Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thanks Ernie!

Finally, something good to come out of a hurricane.
Less humidity and a slight breeze.

Ernesto came and went Tuesday night without much to write home about. Actually, it was the least amount of rain we have had in a single night all summer. Don't get me wrong, it was great to not lose power, trees, roofs and lives, but by the media reports you would have thought Katrina's pissed-off twin brother was coming to finish the job she left from last year. Needless to say, the media in South Florida loves hurricane season and it's painful to watch in more ways than one. I mean, did we really have to suspend our regularly scheduled programming for two days to report on something that may or may not even be a Tropical Storm? Meanwhile, local Miamians are acting like it's Armageddon. What a mess. Of course this is all totally besides the point and hopefully this storm will not turn back into a hurricane in the northern part of the country or I will feel like a huge ass.

Anyway, one good thing came out of old Ernesto and that was favorable running conditions on Wednesday. I had the best run I have had in weeks in Miami. It was noticeably less humid, slightly breezy and overcast. Perfect.

Then there was tonight. I came home from work with a blazing headache and my ear starting to feel full. I knew I needed to go for a run since this is the only thing that ever helps to alleviate these symptoms. It was HOT, reeeally humid and sunny, all of my favorite things. I set out knowing that I was going to have a tough time, but sucked it up knowing that I would only have a chance for possibly one run this weekend. I started out slow, but kept a good pace. I had a great run considering how hot it was. I didn't stop once and even sprinted all the way down my street to finish.

Wedesday night:
3.22 miles
no stops

Thursday night:
31.58 (same exact time)
no stops
I finally got my exact mile markers down to record my splits.
Mile 1 - 10.29
Mile 2 - 9.57
Mile 3 - 9.28
.217 - 2.02

Now it's off to Sarasota to meet up with friends and family for the Labor Day/birthday weekend!

Favorite running song of the day: "Brouhaha" Beastie Boys


Anonymous said...
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Vicster said...

So it sounds like you're doing good! :) And I was pleased to read you had a nice time in Canada. I know exactly what you mean about 'stocking up' on stuff you can only get abroad - although sadly I tend to store them in my stomach rather than in a bag! Oops, that might be part of the problem, right?

My Life said...

Great job getting your runs in - in the midst of the heat and hurricane warnings - you're dedicated!

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