Now that we live in Pennsylvania, I told Jeremy that one day I want to make the trip out to Punxsutawney to experience the wonder that is Groundhog Day. I know it's really silly, kitschy and odd, but those are the types of experiences that I long for. I would love to randomly bring up in a conversation one day that I have actually been there to witness Groundhog Day firsthand. How cool would that be?
I'll admit, when I was living in Miami, I never paid much attention to Groundhog Day. I mean down there, 6 more weeks of winter meant 6 more weeks of 74 degree temperatures. But now that I live in a place where winter is a real season, I am actually concerned with what this animal has to say about my future.
Of course if I was there today I probably would have kicked Punxsutawney Phill in his fat head. SIX more weeks of winter?!?!?! Stupid rodent.
This is not good for my marathon training.
But, you couldn't tell there was going to be any extra winter today. It was beautiful outside. When I got home from work it was 40 degrees, perfect for my 6.5 mile run (57:36/8:51 pace). I'm happy I made myself get out there, since we are supposed to get snow for the next two days and the temps are supposed to dip down again to the low 20's.
Looks like it's Treadmill City for me this week.
Stupid Groundhog.
Days 4 - 5: Santorini!
9 months ago
LOL!! My thoughts exactly. Stuuupid groundhog!! Good job on the 6.5 miler!
Today was gorgeous, despite what that stupid groundhog says.
I HATE the groundhog scratch-off lottery commercials. I can't believe someone thought that was good marketing.
Welcome to winter here. It'll be frigid for days, and tease ya with a few spring like ones, only to drag you back into winter!
OH and Joy, my wife also hates those groundhog commercials!
Cute post. Made me smile.
I am so sick of the weather being all crazy. One day it is 60 the next 20, then rainy, sunny, etc...
I forgot all about groundhog day!
stupid rodent indeed!
Yeah, I'd like to choke that little stupid groundhog myself! Great run in nice weather!
At least you were able to enjoy a brief break from winter. By February, I am always SO sick of the cold & snow. Ugh!
Aww, but look how cute that groundhog is!
I was going to say Stupid Groundhog, too, but it looks like a whole lot of people beat me to it!
I hope he is not right!!!!!
I was hoping for an overcast day also. I want some consistent warmer weather to run in.
Stupid groundhog ... I completely agree!
Stupid efffer. And he's ugly too.
That would be a fun roadtrip.
same old thing here in illinos. two days of more bitter cold and then spring is here with a supposedly high of 50 for the weekend. i'll be able to get in a long run finally.
awesome pace by the way.
"Stupid rodent." she says.
Oh hunny, I hear ya. I am so sick of this winter!
Ah, I don't know if I ever believe that crap. Isn't there always 6 more weeks of winter? This weekend looks great in the 50s!!! Running outside in the cold has its benefits, fresh air and all. :)
Glad you at least got the 6.5 miles done! I hate nothing more than missing a run on a nice day and then having to run in crappy weather.
Yeah, I was gonna send the ground hog some hate mail. But it's going to be in the 50s this weekend. I can't hate that much.
In the immortal words of SuperChicken, "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred."
This is a good time to buy those expensive running tights for freezing temps. They're on sale, as the merchandisers are getting ready for spring.
I think you should go to Punxsutawny next year--and bring a BB gun!
That is exacty what I said! Stupid groundhog - now I have to go and buy some more super warm running gear.. :(
Shoot me. I can't take anymore. And it hasn't even been a bad winter!!
This wknd is suppose to be beautiful, though. I hope this cold I have doesn't ruin my run tomorrow.
Just gotta love Phil!
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