Did any of you happen to catch the documentary Running the Sahara that aired Sunday night on Showtime?
It follows three guys who decide to run across the Sahara desert (duh) to the Red Sea.
On February 20, Charlie, Ray and Kevin touched the Red Sea, just a few hours before sunset. Their quest had lasted 111 days and taken them through 6 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt. By the team's daily GPS record, they had traveled over 4,300 miles (6,920 kilometers). They fought through injury and extreme fatigue to reach their goal, which changed them forever.
These jokers ran across six countries, everyday for 111 days, about 2 marathons per day, through 130 degree temperatures, sandstorms, injuries, land mine-ridden territories, for no other reason than just to do it.
Pretty amazing stuff. But be warned, it will make you feel like a big baby for ever complaining about 20 (or 80) degree temps, rain, chaffing, yucky Gu, your iPod breaking during your run, a nagging pain in your knee, etc.
Definitely watch it if you see it on.
Also, did anyone happen to catch the great (super-long) article in RW about Back on My Feet this month? Pretty awesome! J just met with Anne yesterday to discuss research work with them. Good stuff. check out the article if you can. (I know most of you running maniacs have already read RW cover to cover this month, lol).
Days 4 - 5: Santorini!
9 months ago
Super interesting documentary. The water situation was the first thing I though of. I know I really take for granted having a faucet full of fresh, clean, cold water at my finger tips.
missed the doc, but read the article.
I can't believe she ran alone in that neighborhood!
That takes guts and a special person to do what she has/is done/doing.
I want to run the Ben Franklin Bridge!
Just got the issue and I'm a bit neurotic about reading magazines in order (probably because it takes me so long to find time to read them), so I haven't quite made it to the article yet. Cool that J may be doing research for them.
Sounds like a very interesting documentary. That is so crazy. It's got to take a toll on the body.
Thanks for sharing.
Frostbite is in Ambler. Do it, do it!! It's a fun race and draws a decent crowd. Check it out at
We can have a blogger meet up!
I didn't catch the documentary, but I'll have to see if they play it again.
Charlie Engle was the guest speaker at the UnitedHealthcare Marathon and half last year. I didn't speak with him but saw him! He is going to be there again this year. If I run the half again, maybe I'll try and snag a picture for the blog.
Ohh, I'll have to catch that next time it's on.
Thanks for such a nice comment to my last post. Everyone is so sweet and supportive.
Missed the documentary (we don't have Showtime), but I did see the article in RW and I thought of you!
Dang it. We don't get Showtime. I've heard of those dudes before though . . .
Yes, and Ray is a Canadian who doesn't live far from me....they are down in the Antarctic running (or they were last month)...
Interesting huh?
I have read an article on it, but didn't get to see the documentary, I hope it airs again on a channel I have!
That is so insane! I wish I could run 2 marathons per day in 130 degrees...oh wait, no I dont :)
I hadn't heard of those guys before...that is so incredible! Thanks for pointing them out!
OMG, that is insane. Wow. Thanks for sharing!
Interesting show, but those guys sound like IDIOTS.
I will have to catch it next time, thanks for the info.
I read that article - that girl's got guts!
And so do those Sahara-running guys. I'll need to think of them next time I want to whine that my legs feel heavy.
I didnt read that artical I so need a subscription to rw!
I so want to see that now. It looks like it was really put together well! Thanks!
Man I thought running the Badwater Ultra was crazy... but across the sahara!? I will need to check out that documentary, cause I love everything running.
I already have read my RW cover to cover and the BOMF artocle caught my eye pretty quick. Usually I flip through the mag before reading it and saw them running over the Ben Franklin and was like "is that the ben franklin?"
I like reading things with a Philly connection and then seeing the article actually had meaning and purpose (unlike the hand waving article) that girl is inspiring.
50 miles a day is completely insane... in the Sahara is MENTAL!!!
Wow, I would really like to see it but we don't have that channel here.
Back on my Feet looks like a great organization! I went to the website you provided as I don't buy RW anymore. We have 2 Canadian Running Mag now.
I'm starting my real job on the 19th. There wasn't enough time to start up my file. I'm so exciteD!!
I chose not to watch your video. I want to be able to complain as much as possible about my runs without feeling guilty.
I was cracking up about your push up comment. Hey, two push ups is a big deal!! :-)
Did you look into the Frostbite 5 miler??
That is crazy!
I'll look for the movie.
This was the gal you were talking about a couple months ago. I'm sure. It was neat to read about her and her story after you told us about it! cool..
Damn ! I want to see this show. The only problem is that I don't get Showtime. I am wondering if it will come out in DVD ??? I am surprised Dean Karnazes not in the video.
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