Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Workin' 9 to 5...


I swear I had it running through my head when I was getting on the train for my first day of work on Tuesday.

I know - LOSER!

The good news is: so far, my new job is great!

I have my VERY OWN office (a first for me). I enjoy riding the train to work and dressing professionally for once. I really like getting off work at 5, instead of 6pm like I used too. The work seems like it will be fun and a new challenge for me, which I'll enjoy. And I LOVE the main woman I work with, she is just about the nicest person EVER which is helpful.

Actually everyone has been pretty nice so far. It helps that I know a lot of people in one of the departments because of J.

I may have forgotten to mention that I work with Jeremy now. We are not in the same department, but I will be doing a lot of work for his department which is fun and weird all at the same time. Sometimes I think it's a little too close-for-comfort, me doing work for his colleagues, but I think it will be OK.

I think my biggest obstacle will be figuring out how a university works. I am coming from an advertising/marketing agency, so working at a university is a huge change. I am completely clueless to how things run, especially since I didn't even attend a university, I went to a small art school-totally different.

But once I am there for a bit, learn all of the 50 million people's names that I have been introduced to and their titles, I think I will be OK. I'm really looking forward to it.

One of the best things about my job is that today I got my very own, fully-loaded MacbookPro! It's shiny and new and filled with ALL BRAND NEW PROGRAMS including Adobe CS3!!! WOO-HOO! At my last job I would have had to wait 6 months for this. At this job I waited a day and a half and was apologized to for the wait. Talk about culture shock. I think I can get used to this.

However, the one thing that sucks about the job, or any job for that matter, is finding the time to run. Because I have to take the train, I have to leave the house about 50 minutes before I have to be there. Which means to run in the am, I have to start running a little before six. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Right. I only do that crap on Saturdays.

There is also the problem of the weather. I know I have been going on about how awesome the temperatures have been, but this past week, my inner-Floridian wimp has reared it's ugly head. It's effing cold out there! AND WINDYYYYYYY!!!! It's going to be in the THIRTIES tonight!!! (I can hear you Canadians laughing at me from here) Except it's not funny. I just don't know if I can wake up and get outside when it's that cold out. Especially since J REFUSES to turn on the heat. So it's actually cold in our room too. Sigh.

At night it's too dark already. I wouldn't have a problem with this except there are no neighborhoods to run in here that aren't EXTREME hills. We normally run on a bike path which goes through the woods and I refuse to do that in the dark. Hellllllooo Blair Witch!

So what do I do people? I have Mondays off so I can do one run then. I also have Fridays off, but we do long runs on Saturday mornings so I usually don't like to run the day before. I may just have to suck it up and do a treadmill run when I get home at night one day a week. Grrrr...

What is up with Blogger tonight? I have been trying to post comments on a lot of your posts, but for some reason when I click on Post a Comment, it just moves your comment stuff around. Stoopid blogger.


BeachRunner said...

LOL at the 9 to 5 pic. Congrats on your new gig, sweet new 'puter and fancy office. It sounds like you found a great place to work. Did you see D10's recent post about the nighttime gear and headlamps, etc. That glowing reflective vest she blogged about would be great for a nightime blair-witchy run. So who is the Dolly Parton in your office?

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well with the new job!

As for fitting in runs. Can you run during lunch? Or, can you switch your long run to Sunday that way you can run on Friday with a recover run on Monday?

Unknown said...

I work at a university too, and believe me, it takes awhile to get up to speed with everyone and everything they know. I too have a long commute! I'm about 1.25 hrs each way, so I generally keep my running to the evenings and Sunday morning. The lunch time thing is an option, but I find it's tough to fit in a decent run, a shower and a bite to eat all in an hour...

Frayed Laces said...

Congrats on your job!

Girl, you work at a University! That means locker room (i.e shower) access! Run at lunch or at the end of your workday!

runjen said...

What a fabulous organization!! I am in awe.
I also have a similar issue in fiting it in. I work PT and have a toddler. On work days, I sometimes just hit the tready before work. Not ideal but it's done.
I was going to suggest running at lunch too. I used to do that at my old job and just take a quick shower and not wash my hair after. I looked a mess for the afternoon but oh well.

P.O.M. said...

Yeah for your new job! Getting up in morning to run before work sucks, but it's the best thing ever. I feel great all day at work and have the evenings to chillax with the homie.

SuperDave said...

New job, I'm nervous for you. I love CS3-I'm a photoshopping addict, but I don't have your photography skill.
Yeah work always gets in the way of running. If we were only filthy rich?
You definitely have culture shock from Miami to Philly especially the weather!Brrr...

N.D. said...

I hear ya about the cold and now having to find time. Is there a gym ? Would you consider getting a Treadmill? I'm glad the job is going well!!

joyRuN said...

Congrats on the new job! And on a SWEET new computer :)

Good luck with finding time to train - especially as it gets frigid, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get a short run in on the treadmill?

Sonia said...

Definitely laughing at you! Now you miss a little bit Floriday eh? Wait till it snows and it's dark at 4PM... so much fun LOL

I'm very happy you like the new job, that's important and you'll meet people there too. So, jealous... I am not feeling ready to do my own post about the Burlington job but it fell apart. I didn't even get interviewed.... so yeah crummy news here.

Bert said...

A university job is a good one, especially in today's economic climate. Here are the three essentials to keep a university running smoothly: beer for the students, parking for the faculty and football for the alumni.

Christie said...

I'm so jealous. How often does someone have a job they actually like? Anyway, I think you may have to suck it up and run on the dreadmill some days. Running is much easier when it's not cold and dark.

Jolene said...

Don't let all those stereotypes about working with your spouse worry you! I would love to work with my spouse...I think the right couple can make it work. Good for the both of you!

Runner Leana said...

Oh, congrats on that new job! As soon as I saw your title I thought the exact same thing. I don't blame you for not wanting to run in the dark. I know a lot of people have mentioned it, but what about a lunch time run? I'm discovering that lunch time runs are the key to juggling work, training and life... Otherwise, blech, I guess there is always the treadmill!

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