I should just turn this into a photo blog already.
I hope you all had a great holiday and a Happy New Year! Mine was busy, even with a whole week and a half off of work. We did get a couple of days alone while our houseguest left for a few days to see his sister, but then he came back with his girlfriend for over a week, so we were busy hanging out with them. We had a great time, but I have to say, when they left on January 3rd, I was SO happy to have an empty house. We have had house guests or been out of town EVERY weekend since HALLOWEEN!!!! I'm ready to be a loner for a little while.
Jeremy and I did have a nice Christmas eve. We ventured out to Babies R Us because I had a coupon I wanted to use thet expired that day. By the time we got out there, Jeremy informed me we were NOT coming back out there again, so we needed to get as much stuff off of our registry as we could. So the Bean made out like a bandit that day with a new crib mattress, a carseat, a snap-n-go and a Maclaren stroller (with anti-finger chopping kit attached). Once we get the Bob jogger (not for a couple of months), we will be one of those couples with THREE strollers. Never thought I would become that person, but I have.
Christmas day, J and I spent the entire day indoors eating and watching TV alone. It was great. He spoiled me to death (new camera, snow boots, sling for the bean, awesome baby book from etsy.com, a new fuzzy bathrobe, slippers) he's way too good to me.

Making me Christmas breakfast.

Buckeye helping me test out my new sling.

Zero with her Christmas gift.

Two days after Christmas, we met our friends up in NYC for a one night, two day quick trip to the city. It was my first time in the Big Apple, and even though it was one of the coldest, windiest days of the year, we still had a great time. Although I was exhausted by the time we were done.

I really need to invest in a maternity coat.

Freezing our butts off in Times Square.

On top of Rockefeller Center.

Central Park.

Empire State.

Of course, there are a million more pictures, but I'll keep it short.
The next few days we just hung out at the house with our friends. I did manage to get a little more of the nursery accomplished, I'll post pictures of that later. Unfortunately, we didn't do anything for New Years eve since we all got sick after running around New York in the cold weather. I've found out that a cold takes a lot longer to get over when you are 8 months pregnant.
Other than that, just back to work, which is starting to take a lot out of me. It's getting to the point where I am looking forward to the 12 weeks of maternity leave almost as much at meeting the Bean. Not quite, but almost. :)
I'm still feeling good. I'm just getting to the point of feeling uncomfortable lately, but it could be a lot worse. I haven't taken any good belly shots for a couple of weeks. Here is my last one from 2 weeks ago.

Hope you are all having a great New Year!!! My only "resolution" right now is to try and update this thing more often.
You look awesome!
I still have four strollers and my boys are 8 and 4 LOL. (A maclaren in each car, my running stroller that I really no longer use, and my Mountain Buggy urban that I still use almost every single day).
You will love having a sling. Shoo spent almost his entire first 6 months in one.
Love the photos! The snap n go is the best invention ever, I will be so sad when Marcus grows out of his car seat and we can no longer use it. And, on that note, we will have 3 strollers too...I'm eyeing up the Maclaren for our third.
Anyhow, you're looking fantastic, I love your weekly preggo photos. Enjoy these last few weeks, its so exciting as you get close to the big day!
Happy New Year! This is exciting...you are positive radiant! Enjoy your final weeks and take care.
I get exhausted/achy walking around New York and I've never been pregnant! You're a brave girl! I love that you call the little one Bean. That's what my parents called me since I looked like a limo bean on my first sonogram and 21 years later they still call me that =)
beautiful!! Love it all :)
Sounds like a busy Christmas for sure! NYC looks amazing. You are looking fantastic!!
Beautiful belly shots!!
Sounds like you had a busy and wonderful Christmas!
I think that's a great resolution, cause we all get to benefit and see your posts! :)
LOVE the pictures, you are such a good photographer!
Glad you had a nice holiday!!
I went to the big apple for the first time this past july and loved it! I would love to get out there and see it all lit up in the winter! Great pics... and you look absolutely glowing! :)
I love all the pictures! You look so cute. Glad to hear things are going well. Enjoy the quiet in your house. In a few more weeks, things will be busy, but in a good way.
Love the backsplash in youru kitchen too.
Happy New Year!
Love, love, love the photo's, thanks for sharing. Your home looks beautiful!!!
You look so good...and so, so happy!! Pregnancy definitely suits you!!
Great pics, I love NYC around the holiday.
I've always wanted to go to NYC around Christmas time. Looks like a great trip!
Great photos! I think the "spoiling" was warranted!
Did you guys actually go skating at Rockefeller center? I've always wanted to do that!
Don't you just love Etsy!
I love central park ....
you look radiant!
you're going to love the sling. we used ours.... heck our 2 yr old still wants to get in there.
Awesome pics and what a beautiful dog (and slunged cat). Glad all is going well and enjoy the remaining time, take lots of pics.
I always love the photos from your trips - beautiful work!
You sure have been busy. Glad you were able to enjoy a little downtime and had a nice holiday overall.
Happy New Year - the year you become a Momma!
You are seriously so cute! I'm so glad things are going so smoothly for you and I can't wait for the baby to be born! YAY!
Love runners and your blog...here is an award:
Found your blog...and can't believe how much we have in common! I won't bore you with all the different things, but I grew up in Cleveland too. I look forward to stopping by.
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